美国北密西根大学数学与计算机科学系教授DON FAUST受邀来公司进行学术交流,分别给我系师生作了两次学术讲座。分别是:2010年6月7日下午4点30分(星期一)5601的报告《Three Important Questions in Mathematics》和2010年6月9日(星期三)4点3204的报告《What are the new logics? What are their applications? And what are their 》,受到师生欢迎。
附: Don Faust教授简介
Don Faust is a mathematical logician, whose home university is Northern Michigan University in the US, and whose research and teaching interests include the mathematical structure of formal languages, the earliest history of mathematics, Artificial Intelligence (AI), and, more recently, the foundations of both scientific knowledge and general human knowledge.
He has designed, and studies, logic for the representation and processing of evidential knowledge, called evidence logic (EL). He also applies EL in some research areas, searching for greater clarity in our understanding of problems.